Thursday, September 19, 2024

Why there are no Aliens in my Traveller Setting

 Simple answer: I don't need them. What purpose do aliens serve? To produce other-worldliness? To remind the players that they aren't in New Jersey? To give PCs cool new powers & abilities? To be a faceless enemy that Travellers can slaughter without qualm?

Rubber Forehead Aliens, now with AI!

I don't need aliens to do those things. Note this is not me saying that aliens are badwrongthink. The Traveller Book does mention aliens in passing, and says that any character can be of any race. Beyond that is up to the Referee and the players.

As a human and a Christian, I believe that God became Man in the person Jesus Christ. By his literal physical death and Resurrection He provided mankind salvation, the way back to Paradise, communion with God. He healed and restored the Image of God in man. That man bears the image and likeness of God is part of the Christian creed. This makes us distinct from animals, plants and rocks.

Does that make mankind unique in the universe? I don't know. The Church does not claim to know whether there are other image-bearers in the cosmos. So here, in my fictional future setting we find no other image-bearing races. I have chosen to leave that question unanswered.

Yes, I have the Ursas and neo-dogs. Both of these arose from Terran animals. We know that they do not bear the Image. The Church views them as living beings worthy of respect, but not as potential members of the Church. Also, the Ursas and Neo's don't see the point; they are materialists.

I have read many sci-fi pulp stories, the kind of literature that inspired Traveller. The ones set in our solar system often have native races from Venus, Mars and Mercury, and sometimes the outer planets too. Every author has a different vision of what a Martian looks like.

What they have in common is this: they are different cultures from the Terrans. Language, dress, and social practice set them apart. For the sake of story-telling they all can communicate with Terrans. There is some form of common language that all the planets have and know.