A Discord discussion of Sword of Cepheus that I took part in brought up the question of encounters. I mentioned that I'd done up a simple table for some random encounters, and people asked about it. So I'm sharing it here.
I present to you an array of characters that adventurers may come upon in Sword of Cepheus. Gamers familiar with Classic Traveller will recognize this table, and many of the encounters listed.
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This encounter did not go well for our hero. |
The Surprise rule (SoC, p. 54) should affect the initial range. It's hard to be surprised by someone you saw coming from half a mile.
Entries which read Monsters are any non-human (or PC race) creatures chosen from the SoC Monster section, guided by the habitat notes in the monster descriptions. Use the Number Appearing listed in the monster description. Wild animals are specifically non-fantastical or magical creatures that may still pose a threat.