Thursday, September 26, 2024

Farewell, Baron Namsos. Hello . . . ???

 In an earlier post I described the chaotic events on Schamel that led to the death of Baron Namsos of Stavanger, and narrowly avoided the nuclear death of several thousand people at Count Murietta's mining camp. The players have not been able to move this conflict forward for several weeks, owing to real-world commitments. 

The situation remains volatile. Within two weeks of the Affair's conclusion, the following official statement was released by the Baron's Council. It went to Schamel, Holtzmann, and every Embassy and Consulate Stavanger maintains.

The Government of Stavanger has made it known that as of week 22 year 929 SA, a state of Feud has existed between the House of Namsos of Stavanger and the House of Murietta of Holtzmann. Namsos holds Murietta personally responsible for the death of Baron Dominic Namsos of Stavanger. Therefore, all vessels, persons and institutions bearing allegiance to Murietta or operating under his banner or colors are subject to attack, seizure or destruction wherever they may be found.

The Government of Stavanger recognizes the right of House Namsos to take such actions as it deems necessary to exact retribution including the death of Count Murietta. No other Imperial vessels, persons, or institutions are legitimate targets of this Feud. The Feud will be ended when Namsos is satisfied that Murietta has made adequate restitution and compensation for his offenses against the House.

Letters of Marque have been issued, all Stavangerian diplomatic outposts have been notified, and all allied and friendly governments will receive customary notice of the State of Feud.

For the Barons of Stavanger

signed Allan Hokksen, First Baron of Stavanger 

Count Murietta replied:

A Statement Regarding the Declaration of Feud Between House Namsos and House Murietta

Approximately one week ago, Baron Dominic Namsos attempted to detonate a nuclear weapon on Schamel and destroy the independent colony of Stolberg. This attack occurred after weeks of Baron Namsos claiming personal dominion over the colony despite the colony’s repeated assertions of their independent and sovereign status. Unfortunately, the Baron was killed during the incident and could not be placed on trial for this heinous crime.

It is regrettable that his successor and the government of Stavanger have rejected our calls to condemn these terroristic actions and have chosen to instead rally behind someone who would suicidally destroy an entire colony of people in nuclear fire rather than let them govern themselves and determine their own destinies.

House Murietta declines House Namsos’ invitation to act like barbarians and will not participate in this “feud.” Any further criminal actions by House Namsos will be treated as such. Should the new Baron wish to engage in a civilized and reasonable discussion to bring an end to this conflict, House Murietta will always be available. 

Valkorion Roger Murietta, Count on Holtzmann

House Namsos released a posthumous statement from the late Baron Dominic: 

To the noble members of House Namsos,

If you are getting this message, this means that I am now dead. You may be wondering why I chose to take such a drastic action. Some people will say that I was a madman. The treacherous Talaverans will surely claim that I was acting under the direction of the Stavangerian council, as a pretext for war. The truth is that neither of these are the case. The situation came down to matters of honor and principle that any nobleman should understand. I came to Schamel, our beloved ally, to assist the Governor with Talaveran incursion in the system.

As Schamel is a friend of Stavanger and our shared history plays an important role in our relationship, I did not think it would be difficult to work out an arrangement that benefited all parties while maintaining the sovereignty of Schamel. Matters were far worse than I imagined. I thought that we could negotiate in good faith with these Imperials - that their policy of non-expansion could be trusted. But what I found was that this policy is a farce at the point of implementation.

Their so-called "nobles" feigned negotiation with me to buy time to put their schemes in place - to drain Schamel, a sovereign system outside of the jurisdiction of the Talaveran empire, of its newly discovered resources. Their "trade officials" are running a crime syndicate. When they lost in the courts, the Talaverans turned to smear campaigns to pressure the duly elected Governor of Schamel to buy into their schemes or step aside. I can assure you that the Governor is a most honorable man, but as the leader of a small outpost, he was not prepared to deal with the treachery he faced from the Talaverans.

After I discovered these schemes and determined that the Talaveran plan was to seize full control of Schamel's resources, and perhaps the planet, I was forced to act. It is my hope that my death can shed light on the Imperial farce and wake our people from their slumber.

For Schamel, Baron Dominic Namsos

I leave it to you, Good Masters and Gentle Ladies, to decide who is in the right. 

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