The non-Aligned planets are in dark red. |
Dekalb Pro-LTP B-885883-9
230 million people On Trade Route
is the most populous planet in the Corridor, and leverages this against their technology lag compared with Stavanger or Lanzhou. The
law level of 3 means that the bureaucracy doesn't pass a lot of
'laws', instead they pass 'regulations' on specific activities and
industries. Dekalbian businesses may not be hampered by too much
conscience, and so employ a lot of corporate espionage as well as
hire mercenaries or pirates to deal with off-planet competition. The
Sommersfield family is a particularly influential group in Dekalbian
politics and business. Dekalb
has a large population so they have to import food. Worosha is
Dekalb's major supplier. Dekalb is TL9, so it produces the ships that
make the J1 across. Besides, Dekalb owns large chunks of Worosha
anyway, as already established. Dekalb sets the prices for food
exports, and gives preferential treatment to Dekalb-owned farms.
There are 7d ships in port at any one time.
C-6678DB-6 No Trade Route
are highly xenophobic and insular. Off-worlders are not permitted
past the starport zone. The religious dictatorship is run by clerics of the Church of Humanity Ascendant, who consider Tabraz to be the
new Holy Land; but only members of their sect are permitted to stand on
the holy ground. Tabraz spawns a lot of pirates ('Tabrazian Raiders'
who are all fanatical followers) The religious leaders would like to
directly control Pampati, but hesitate as it would complicate control
of the local populace – limiting exposure with the outside. Despite
its reputation, there are 6d ships in port at any one time.
Tagus D-12045C-10 No
Trade Route
the trade routes, at the end of a J-1 string, with a poor starport,
thin atmosphere and little water, Tagus is a backwater. The
technocratic government is reasonably efficient, but there's so
little to recommend Tagus to outsiders that they're perpetually at
the mercy of foreign importers. The Tagan government is willing to
consider any scheme that might draw some trade to their world. They
have recently begun an expensive experiment in importing sources of
water to create some arable land for agricultural use. There are 1d
ships in port at any one time.
Tartarus Independent X-600000-
0 No Trade Route
is a planetoid belt system, but its most distinguishing feature is
it's binary star pair. The binary is a black hole. Radiation and the
enormous gravity of the black hole make navigating the system very
dangerous; however ships occasionally enter the system, usually to
visit one small gas giant for refueling. The planetoid belt has
little to recommend it; most of the more massive bits (like metal
chunks) has already been pulled into the black hole.
are three charted but officially unpopulated systems in the Corridor
subsector. Instead of names, the Stellar Cartography division of the
Royal Talaveran Scout Corps designates these systems by alpha-numeric
strings. None of the power blocs of the Corridor have any declared
settlements or bases in these systems. They are not regularly
patrolled, so there may be undiscovered settlements or pirate bases.
TV-908 Ungoverned X-532000
TV-311 Ungoverned X-8A8000
TX-318 Ungoverned X-S00000